2022 Run for Recovery Community is AWESOME!!
$18,500 Raised for Our House with 60% in donations and fundraising.
190 Registered participants aged 3 to 77!
50+ Volunteers on site from 11AM to 10PM!
Silent Auction & “Empties for Our House” – Raised $2700!
Special live performance and testimony from Danny Floyd Cole.
Music: All event long thank-you Brandon Horth and Co. from Focused Energy Productions!
The money raised at 2022 Run for Recovery 12K will be designated to the dorm room upgrade project at Our House Addiction Recovery Center as well as ongoing facility maintenance.
As in life, when you make a wrong turn, you can choose to quit or turn around, get back on track and finish the journey….
“Avery and I love running at local events that support our community, Run For Recovery is exactly that.
Avery and I have been running trails for a few years now and this was the first year we were able to participate in the Run for Recovery. We had a plan to run steady for as long as we could without pushing beyond our comfort zone. That lasted about 200M! Then we were trying to pass as many runners as we could. We knew the single track was coming soon and wanted to get in there quickly. We were feeling great and breathing well. Back on the double track and around the 5km mark, give or take, I happened to know the one course volunteer. The volunteer was joking with me about walking up the hill, it was all in good fun, but at that moment there was some confusion and Avery and I missed a crucial turn back on to the single track. After about 5mins Avery said she thought something was wrong but I insisted we keep going. We ended up at the finish line with only running 7.5km, so back we went to find the turn we obviously missed. The continued to follow the proper course and finish the night right before dark, completing 14km in all. Overall, we had a great time and can not wait to attend next year!
Until next year - Michelle and Avery Eigenseher
**This photo is when we hit the 12km mark on route.”
Michelle & Avery were this year’s recipients of “Run for Recovery 12K – Don’t Give Up Award”.
The Reward is in the Journey!!